Advanced Placement Courses
AP Computer Science: Java Programming
AP® Computer Science: Java Programming is a one-year online course in Java programming leading to the AP® Computer Science A Exam.
The curriculum is presented on web pages in which Java compilers are embedded at key points. The course covers all the material described in the most recent edition of the College Board's Advanced Placement Computer Science A Course Description. In addition, for more advanced students the course provides an optional Advanced Topics section covering material commonly found in introductory university Data Structures and Algorithms courses.
Interspersed within a well-organized curriculum are exercises and coding activities to be completed using the embedded compiler, tests that are graded automatically, and extended lab assignments.
Be Prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam
An online, interactive edition of the popular review course for the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in Computer Science in Java written by Maria Litvin of the Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, and Gary Litvin.
Since its first edition appeared 1999, Be Prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam has helped tens of thousands of students earn high scores on the AP CS exams. Whether you sit in the front row, the back row, or anywhere in between, this book will help you focus on the AP exam requirements in Java, review the material, and fill the gaps in your knowledge. A thorough review section includes over sixty multiple choice questions with complete solutions that show you effective strategies and shortcuts. Six complete practice exams with answers and solutions, and whose level of difficulty matches or exceeds that of the actual exam, will give you plenty of practice material to prepare you for the AP® exam.
Be Prepared for the AP Calculus Exam
Be Prepared for the AP Calculus Exam is your indispensable guide to scoring well on the Advanced Placement Calculus AB or BC exam. This book features an outstanding team of authors and practice exam contributors: veteran AP Calculus teachers who have served on the AP Calculus Test Development Committee and are College Board consultants, exam grading leaders, and AP award recipients.