Computer Science Courses
Computer Science: A First Course
This course provides secondary school students with an introduction to computer science. The course uses the programming language Scheme, and includes a convenient online Scheme interpreter. The approach is based on The Schemer's Guide, written by the Curriculum Development Group at the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science and taught in prestigious programs as The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) and Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) summer programs.
AP Computer Science: Java Programming
A comprehensive online computer science course leading to the Advanced Placement Computer Science A exam. This self-contained course features an online Java compiler, interactive exercises and coding activities, extended lab assignments, and tests.
This course includes (a) eight labs that exceed the College Board's new requirement, and (b) an advanced tutorial on Android app development.
Be Prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam
An online, interactive edition of the popular Advanced Placement review written by Maria Litvin of Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. Includes over fifty interactive multiple-choice review questions accompanied by detailed explanations, and four timed practice tests that can really make a difference.